Let your light shine in front of people. Then they will see the good that you do and praise your Father in heaven. St. John's Light 5:16 Ministry has been in existence since 2013. The team currently consists of 7 members of the congregation who seek out opportunities to help the local communities on behalf of St. John’s. The team is guided by our Father in heaven, our Pastor, and their vision based on Matthew 5:16 (see above). St. John’s Light 5:16 ministries in 2021 included the following: BABY NEEDS BANK has been in existence since May 2014. It helps local families by providing them with various baby items (diapers, formula, baby food, wipes, baby lotion/wash, clothing, larger equipment, etc.). Most of the clients are referred by Love INC (in the Name of Christ) (http://www.loveinclorainco.org) who identifies and qualifies the need. The team strives to be welcoming and form relationships in addition to providing for physical needs. Conversations end with prayer and praise to our Father in heaven. In 2021, the Baby Needs Bank served 19 families with 82 members in households (1 family more than once) with a $3,553 estimated value of items. The team sends birthday cards to the children (under 18) of our baby bank clients. 113 birthday cards were sent in 2021. BABY PROVISIONS COLLECTION - During January-March, a Baby Provisions collection was organized. Members, family and friends of the congregation supported this collection with the God-praised results as follows: Product __________$ 665 GRAND TOTAL __$1,765
CORNERSTONE PREGNANCY SERVICES (https://cornerstoneanswers.org/) Participated in the Cornerstone Walk for Life. The walk began at their facility on Griswold Road with prayer and worship. Pastor Bill attended with the walk “turning around” at St. John’s parking lot. St. John’s was able to serve those who walked with access to our restrooms and a brief rest before returning to Cornerstone. Light 5:16 team members provided water at the turnaround, opportunity for prayer requests, and invitations to attend church. Light 5:16 donated money for the event. LOVE INC SUPPORT Light 5:16 was a Corporate Sponsor for Love INC’s fundraiser dinner in October. With Light 5:16’s support of Love INC, along with other churches in Lorain County, we helped Love INC mobilize over $125,686 worth of goods and services in the name of Christ through September 2021 (end of year numbers were not yet finalized by the time of this report)! CHRISTMAS This year we partnered with an outside organization to donate items to a local homeless shelter. Members of the congregation and Light 5:16 donated 21 hats, 30 pairs of gloves, 8 hat/glove combos, 35 pairs of socks, 7 twin blankets, 8 coats, 9 twin sheet sets, 18 towels, 16 wash cloths and a few miscellaneous items for an estimated value of $700! In addition, Light 5:16 sent 17 Christmas Cards to our 2021 Baby Bank clients. DONATIONS The team currently has one way they raise funds for St. John’s outreach ministry, which is by donations. If you would like to donate to the Light 5:16 ministry, please indicate this with your cash donation or a check to St. John Lutheran Church, leaving your much appreciated donation with our church secretary, Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday, 9:00 a.m. Noon. Also for the baby needs bank, donations can be made in the form of product (diapers, wipes, baby wash/lotion), books, puzzles, games, rattles, bibs, larger equipment (cribs, strollers, high chairs, etc.). At this point, since we have quite a bit of donated clothing, we ask that you call to determine what our specific needs may be. These items may be dropped off with our church secretary, Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday, 9:00 a.m. Noon. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS! |